Tuesday, April 26, 2016

OUGD401 - End of Module Evaluation

Reflecting back on the Context of Practice module throughout the year, I have found that through reading and evaluating creative texts and writing, I have expanded my knowledge massively and therefore now have a larger understanding of how visual communication is effectively produced. I constantly find that my evaluation and peer critiquing skills are consistently evolving and new elaborate creative vocabulary is now allowing me to further expand upon issues that would have had any knowledge on at the start of the course. I have personally found modernism, post modernism and other creative movements extremely engaging as all of the creative industries from graphics to architecture are inflicted. This relationship throughout all aspects of art has really inspired me as an emerging designer and I am now constantly making links throughout real world situations. Learning about art theory has also had a massive impact on my studio work as it allows me to make more and more informed design decisions which are crucial to understanding why certain elements are used within my work. I found that the writing skills used throughout the course are completely unique to any prior english skills learned and therefore lots of time and effort was and will continue to be put into the COP programme in order to utilise these artistic critical analysis skills. Towards the end of the year, I have found myself more interested in reading the literature of art subjects as I have noticed its importance in developing my manual, creative and conceptual skills. Expanding my knowledge allows me to reference history, art movements and theory in order to have more informed design decisions throughout my practical work.

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