Visual Research An Introduction to Research Methods in Graphic Design - Ian Noble
Visible Signs - David Crow
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture - John Storey
(Film, Media, Magazines)
Citizen Designer - Heller and Vienne
(Ethics, Social Responsibility, What effect our content has on society, Censorship)
No Logo - Naomi Klein
(Consumerism, Brands)
Understanding Media - Marshall McLuhan
(Media, Radio, TV)
New Media: A Critical Introduction - Martin Lister
(Internet, Smart TV, Social Media)
Media, Gender and Identity - David Gauntlett
(Media, Gender Relations)
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky
(Media, The role of the media in shaping the publics opinions and ideologies, Politics)
Mythologies - Roland Barthes
(Cultural Phenomena, Semiotics, Cultural aspects of red wine in france - cultural significations of wealth, upper class etc...)
Image Music Text - Roland Barthes
(The Death of the Author, Post Structuralism, Authorship, Semiotics)
Postmodernism or the cultural logic of late capitalism - Fredric Jameson
(The characteristics of Postmodernism - an advanced capitalist enterprise, Pastiche - Nullifying art movements by taking meaning out of past art movements)
The Politics of Postmodernism - Linda Hutcheon
(Parody, use in conjunction with Fredric Jameson0
Design, Writing, Research: Writing on Graphic Design - Ellen Lupton
Looking Closer 1,2,3,4,5 - Micheal Beirut
(Graphic Design)
Graphic Design Theory - Meredith Davis
(Modernism, Postmodernism, Graphic Design)
The Hidden Persuaders - Vance Packard
(Advertising, Persuasion, Freudian Psychoanalysis, Negative bias view)
Gender and Popular Culture - Katie Milestone
(Gender, Culture)
On Brand - Wally Olins
(Brands, Consumerism, Consumer Psychology)
Graphic Agitation 2: Social and Political Graphics in the Digital Age
(Government, Politics, Protests)
Visual and Other Pleasures - Laura Mulvey
Room 132
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