The culture Industry -
A circle of manipulation to the masses which gratifies our imediate needs to furful our percieved desires
Fordism -
A mass produced systematic cycle where one person becomes extrely good at making a bolt of a ford whilst slowly forgetting the larger picture of what they are making
Popular Music -
Adorno 1941
Standardisation of easy to produce and consume which creates mindless drones of the public. It creates passivity and standardised music which promotes passive listening. Promoting passivity reduces creativity on all aspects, the way this is camoflaged is by using pseudo indevidualisation and slightly changing elements which seem to make the music artist or song unique.
Television -
Adorno 1954
Manotonist rubbish set on formulas which are proved to work, this creates a system of standardisation. This degrades peoples capacitys to make unique and individualist products.
Herbert Marcuse
Popular Culture vs Affirmative Culture
Authentic Culture vs Mass Culture
Qualities of authentic culture
Indevidual creation
Active consumption
Multi dimensional
Walter Benjamin
The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction 1936
A form of being complisive with the system can also be rebellious, we can buy these systemised clothes but then reject conformal wearing methods. You can watch television ironically whilst knowing that you are not being manipulated. Collaging your way through a society which appose docility and propaganda. This will evencuslly defeat facism
Warhols Marilyns - Celebrating the death of elitist art, his studio called the factory references fordism. New technologies allow for anti authoritarian methods which appose the elitist system in place by popular culture, digital reproduction has made anything reproducible and possible.
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