Tuesday, February 28, 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 2 - Developed Design Solution 1

The developments leading on from the basic prototype stage conceptualised the ideas in a more refoned manor. Modernist and postmodernist subtleties were integrated into the designs to depict how both movements have relevance within 21st century modern design. These subtle nuances are then examined to further explore what roles they play alongside modern technology.

This first design abides strongly to modernist design aesthetics, the use of Helvetica stems from the need of a universal typeface within a globalized modern society. Its subtle kerning and word mark allow the design to be strongly differenciated against rivalling companies who may use the same typeface. The relationship with its symbolic brand mark also helps create a visual connection between the two. If the customer saw the brand mark, and then at a later date saw the word mark, they would be able to partner a visual relationship between the two. The colour scheme also helps to solidify thos relationship.

in this case, signfying colour theory was added into the designs to convey trust to the viewer. Blue has been solidified within society to represent trust and clarity, all the attributes which any corporation would want to be associated with. The two colour split is also conformative to modern rebrands, establishing itself within this visual trend. 

The pie chart logo design signifys its relationship to the business industries, this relationship utilises semiotics to convey an indexical sign to the audience. By glancing at the brand identity, it communicates a physical connection towards banking, the managing of money, and reviewable finances. Its clarity and simplicity also determines how user friendly the product will be to the consumer. This  adheres to the need for legible and uncluttered design within a modern technological society when attempting to relate to consumers from all age brackets.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 2 - Colour Psychology Considerations

Based on various studies taken out, it is determined that different colours are symbolic within their representation of emotions. Therefore, the colour scheme of my designs was an important aspect to consider in order to be approachable and trustworthy towards the consumer.

In order to make the brand truly ubiquitous within colour theory, gender must be taken into account. For example, even though blue is the most popular colour, statistics show that it is more favourable by men and therefore could embed masculinity to the brand identity. Colours such as black or white are truly neutral whilst still signifying intelligence, sophistication and purity. Blue however, does promote trust and is highly used within corporate companies whilst green can resemble wealth. Yellow is also proven to attract impulse buyers which would not be suitable for 'CABU's ideologies.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

OUGD501 - Lecture - Technology, Digital Culture and Practice

Developing Research Proposals

Start with what you already know

Identify what you want to know more about

Plan how you are going to find out about it

The definition of technology

  1. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

    "advances in computer technology"
    • machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge.

      "it will reduce the industry's ability to spend money on new technology"
    • the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

Define what the words in your question mean

Jan Svankmayer

His work was based cost, he couldn't pay actors and had no space in his studio and therefore his practice was informed by his environment. He based his work which was ecologically and accessible to him at the time by using surrealism, hidden meanings and freedom of speech using collage and 2D animated techniques.

South Park communicates ideas which is implied much like the 2D animation Svankmayer does, it attacks politics and views which are argued using subtle meanings in their cartoons.

In principle, his themes, content and subjects are no different to new animation. Remediation is happening which recycles older media.

Photoshop is digital collage which is no different to past manual styles.

In order to understand technology, we must understand its predecessors. Technology is evolutionary not revolutionary.

The 1990 Macintosh was a revolutionary point where digital formatted design became affordable and accessible. The digital revolution has had a significant advance in speed than any other invention in history.

The idea of instagram and social media has changed the idea of who can be an artist, in the past it was a publisher or agent who determined that a piece of work was good enough to be professional.

How do we use devices?
Are we viewing work, crafting work, researching, sharing work?
Does this allow us to collaborate more?

The development of digital culture can make us connected yet alienated. Is social media making us more selfish? More Lonely? More Unappreciated?

The new information technology, Internet and Email, have practically eliminated the physical cost of communication - Quote

The internet has made newspaper designs less stagnated by allowing motion design within the editorial design. Because of the shift in media, print based media has now become relevant to illustrators, animators, filmographies and graphic designers.

Graphic design now becomes interactive, we have to rethink how we work and what technologies can do to print and web based media.
3D models can now be produced which opens up the potential skillets which are being learned by each design practice.

Technology can now be used for crime, health and education. Fingerprint scanners, medical apps and educational games etc...

Print based and narrative book illustration were the best way to educate children 10 years ago, now their engagement is more directed to digital design and 3 dimensional design.

Nintendo DS Educational games for kids
Language devices opening up communication to other communities, further expanding our digital village.
Angry Birds branding started as a digital game, and has developed into physical toys, print and film.
The reverse of that, Pokemon started very physical and has developed into augmented reality. A reopropriation of print based media.

Reconnection with the traditional ways of working, there is still a desire for texture and tactile objects.

Technological Processes

3D printers
Screen printing
Digital Revolution
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Manual alongside interactive digital technology

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

OUGD501 - Study Task 7 - SB2 Idea Generation & Prototypes

At this stage, feedback was still being recieved off the company board to decide on a name. The companies original name was ‘Disrupt Financial’ however, I suggested that it seemed too aggressive for a company which manages finances. It could have infered to the customer that their finances would be disrupted. ‘Source.Financial’ was proposed by me as it is more constructive in its manor, ‘CABU (Card Business) and ‘ASF (Assisted Secure Finances) was also proposed in a Crit Box session.

These names were all proposed to the company instead of ‘Disrupt Financial’, along with the rationale behind the ideas. It was then decided that ‘CABU’ was the desired option by the bosses. This was a beneficail step within the project, it gave my practice some boundaries and restrictions to abide by. This in turn allowed me to solve a solution to one problem instead of attempting to come up with a variety of solutions, all for different names and concepts.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 2 - Interview with Michael C Place

An interview has recently been conducted with Michael C Place where past production methods and processes were explored. This has helped to inform my own design process, utilising stencil, tracing paper, grids and Lithography. These methods have been instrumental in bringing modernist production methods into the digital 21st century.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 3 - Research Proposal Initial Notes

  • 250 word rational for a research proposal
  • 5 Subtopics
  • 5 relevant quotes from academic writers or practitioners
  • 5 relevant books
  • 5 relevant websites
  • 5 relevant images which relate
  • 5 relevant contexts (sub cultures etc...)

The impact of charity and ethical design within advertising

South Park (Parody)
Water Aid
There is an element of guilt with is unethical practice


Thoughts on this work in relation to synthesis, this person is relevant I have tried to express this in my practice

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

What is there to study? (ontology)

How can we know about it? (epistemology)


How do we study it? (methodology)

How is the experimentation interpreted

Having looked at person x's work in relation to person y, I believe that person x is more appropriate because...

How does my practical project prove or disprove decisions and theories stated within the written element

Study Task: Context of Practice 3 - Research Proposal

Initial thoughts
Critical research journal which synthesises my continual knowledge into practical analysis and design
Pull together material which relates to theoretical, contextual and practical research


What is good?
Voluntary work
Social Responsibility of my practice

How to be a graphic designer without loosing your soul


To what extent do technological developments in production and distribution impact on graphic design?

social media
how print has developed


To what extent does aesthetic style reflect the context, audience and/or fiction of contrary graphic design?


Produce a 10 page pdf research proposal submitted via ISSUU on your COP blog

This should include -

  • The research question that you have chosen
  • A 250 word introductory statement identifying a specific area of individual interest within the research question.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 2 - Conceptual Design & Modernist Production Methods

The designing stage stage started conceptually with a large body of sketches and notes. This then lead onto more developed designs following modernist design production methods such as stencil, grids, tracing paper and Lithography printing. This directly relates to a large body of research conducted on modernist design production along with an interview with Micheal C Place where antiquated production methods were discussed.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

OUGD501 - Study Task 7 - SB2 Idea Generation & Prototypes

After using modernist design principles to inform a legible, clean and concise aesthetic design, modern technology was then taken into consideration. In this particular case, Helvetica was used to create a flat monotone design, and then it was digitally constructed and animated in After Effects. The utilisation of motion graphics draws from modernist past styles whilst also abiding to modern technology in a new and innovative way. 

The company name 'source.financial' was conceptualised to use as a base, the names of job fields who fall under the company demographic was then added to the motion graphics to advertise that the brand identity is ubiquitous and approachable to all fields of work.

OUGD501 - Lecture - Culture

Books -

Raymond Williams : Keywords, A vocabulary of culture and society (1976)
View the PDF online

Modern culture dictates that culture is a physical thing, art, music, literature, film etc...
There is also the concept that culture is a society or community is building towards an end goal

Empire Marketing Board - Adrian Allison (1926)
We bring them culture, we bring the savage into the civilised, the raw to the cooked. This is a very ideological approach judging another culture and labelling their culture as wrong
Britain attempting to justify our domination over the rest of the world

Manfred B. Steger, Globalization: a very short introduction page 71
All nations are slowly becoming western and dominated making all cultures combined into one. This is the representation of American capitalism. This is referenced as 'McDonaldization'
The world is becoming increasingly more hedonist and misogamist

Global Village Thesis
Foreshadowing the internet interconnecting everyone into a global village where everyone knows each other.

National identities become less important, multinational corporations operate outside of national laws. If one society does not accept their ways, they will simply move to another company. For example sweatshops in china.

A new form of cultural imperialism is not fought through bullets and guns but through cultural warfare. This can see western states globalise the world.
Modernism aimed to uniform all countries and build a society with a shared visual language for all. Postmodernism could say that this uniformity wipes out all individualism. Neofashism of radical islam. Centrifugal forces

What are British values? (Stated by the government)

The rule of law
individual liberty
mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

Adbusters (2009) American Corporate Flag

Adorno & Horkheimer (1944)

The culture industry is an ideological trap to keep capitalist values
Homogeneity & Predictability
Not anarchy but conformity

Active Consumption - social change, expect to see something and get something avant garde, making people into a more critical thinker, introduces the possibility of negation (to refuse dominant narrative)
Passive Consumption - Predictable, same plot recycled, I don't have to think about anything and can zone out after a bad day
Argue authentic culture and mass culture
Mass culture is subtly making us passive and confirmative. Sleep, Work, Buy

Platos Cave, resembling bullhead studio
animated cave
The shadows are the images we see on media and mass media, the images shown to us to keep us domesticated.
Their is another world which we cannot comprehend, the man who escapes is the liberated mind / free thinker who one will listen to.

Class identified forming through the accident of industrialisation, the working class alienated from all other culture and therefore start to build their own working class culture.
Aristocracy Culture & fine art vs Popular culture made by the people, for the people.

To be cultured means that you are better than someone else, more degenerate, not as cultured as i am. The working class 'the chav', when liverpool football club visited Milan & Paris, the fans stole the smart clothing brands such as sergio tachini which built their own subculture.

Edgey rebeliĆ³n such as the mods, forming their own music, fashion and culture. Commodity based, buying the most expensive suits and having the power to conspicuously consume.

Popular culture can be negational, to be cultural radical. Visual rebellion can be be seen with the gesture of safety pin piercings. Resembling the idea of not buying jewellery.

Hegemony - Refers to a way of ruling which dictates that we are not ruled by laws ect.. but that we allow ourselves to be dominated by the elite.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 2 - Visual Investigation Brief Interrogation & Ideas

Analysation of the essay draft has revealed some key points which have bee discussed which could be investigated visually. These are -

  • Attempting to portray a classical wealthy aesthetics can become very challenging without in some way regurgitating classical styles from past eras and artistic movements, this could be explored by rebranding a modernist brand to resonate more with the establishment of the company. Looking into the history of the company could indicate some past styles which could be integrated into the rebrand design.
  • This could be equally as effective choosing a classical logo to rebrand with more modernist ideologies in mind.
  • A completely new brand could be established looking at both modernist and postmodernist design decisions and analysing which one is more appropriate for the brand identity.
  • Analysing deeper into subtle nuances within modernist and postmodernist design could be a better way to integrate both functional and contemporary properties into one design. This could be done with editorial, branding or typeface design.
  • Modernist design ideologies were established without considering 21st century advancements such as the internet and smartphones. Use design principles to create a visual representation of these 21st century advancements. Iconography and screen based design are factors which play into modern society which need to be considered to make the design more legible and functional.

Look into recent rebrands to identify what trends are currently occurring within society and how they relate to both modernist and postmodern design principles.