Wednesday, February 1, 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 2 - Visual Investigation Brief Interrogation & Ideas

Analysation of the essay draft has revealed some key points which have bee discussed which could be investigated visually. These are -

  • Attempting to portray a classical wealthy aesthetics can become very challenging without in some way regurgitating classical styles from past eras and artistic movements, this could be explored by rebranding a modernist brand to resonate more with the establishment of the company. Looking into the history of the company could indicate some past styles which could be integrated into the rebrand design.
  • This could be equally as effective choosing a classical logo to rebrand with more modernist ideologies in mind.
  • A completely new brand could be established looking at both modernist and postmodernist design decisions and analysing which one is more appropriate for the brand identity.
  • Analysing deeper into subtle nuances within modernist and postmodernist design could be a better way to integrate both functional and contemporary properties into one design. This could be done with editorial, branding or typeface design.
  • Modernist design ideologies were established without considering 21st century advancements such as the internet and smartphones. Use design principles to create a visual representation of these 21st century advancements. Iconography and screen based design are factors which play into modern society which need to be considered to make the design more legible and functional.

Look into recent rebrands to identify what trends are currently occurring within society and how they relate to both modernist and postmodern design principles.

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